The KICSTM Movement

Angela’s advice, “Strong parents produce strong students.” Join the KICSTM Movement today!
Kameron N. Young, KICSTM Grad ’14

The Journey ... challenging transitions

From earning 61 demerits in Year 7 to earning 4 academic scholarships between 2020 and 2021, Kameron Young is still in disbelief. Kameron’s challenging transition into middle school is the catalyst of the KICSTM journey. From missing deadlines to losing notes and textbooks, Kameron was the poster child of disorganization!

Kameron and her Mom, Angela, refused to surrender. Instead, this duo created tools and resources to help strengthen Kameron’s executive functioning skills. With her 12 KICSTM tools, Kameron earned 9 GCSEs in her core subjects: 7 A’s in English, Math, IT, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies and Spanish and 2 B’s in English Literature and Art. In 2019, she graduated from Bermuda High School for Girls where she obtained her IB Diploma. Then, she completed a cultural immersion year in Sevilla, Spain. Today, she is attending Queen Mary University of London where she is majoring in biomedical engineering. She plans to become a bilingual surgeon with a focus on robotics. In 2020, Kameron was the recipient of both the BELCO STEM Education Award and the Honorable C. Eugene Cox CBE Performance Award. Kameron is also one of the 2021 RenaissanceRe Undergraduate Scholarship recipients as well as the 2021 Ministry of Education’s Further Education Award.

Angela N. Young, BA, MSc.
KICSTM Founder & President

The Journey...raising a BOSS

Raising a Gen-Z is not easy. As a 70’s baby, it took me a while to realize that Gen-Zers are simply different. They require more in terms of “hand holding” and assistance in general. (A foreign concept for any 70’s baby because we were raised to be independent. To be completely honest, we had no other choice but be self-sufficient.) I was not prepared for these demands and I resented my new role of “PA”.

Yes, I was Kameron’s unofficial personal assistant throughout middle school—overworked and unpaid (LOL!) From dashing home late nights to her school campus praying to find a textbook for a test or going to the Bus Terminal to search the “lost and found” box to find her missing gym bag, my patience was running on fumes.

Today, I reminisce and have big belly laughs. I am simply amazed at the young woman she has blossomed into. Kameron gives me hope and it is because of her I can advise parents that they, too, will survive this journey. Mom and Dad, I get it!

Kids in Control Systems (KICSTM) is not based on a textbook or theory. Instead, I provide simple practical tips and tools for parents on how to raise a BOSS. Our journey is an open book. We survived—and so will you!

Join the movement

Seven years ago the KICSTM Movement started. 441 students across Bermuda’s public and private schools from ages 10 years and up. 272 parents. And, the numbers keep growing!

Join the movement that is inspiring students to aspire for greatness.




Public Speaking